
Let us know what you think or suggest future topics at singlemaltcinema@gmail.com.

Michael Bay & Brett Ratner Distillery

The Distillery is the ultimate arbiter of truth. Could these two oft-maligned directors find redemption in the objectivity of the most advanced cinematic distillation apparatus known to man? Have you seen their movies?

Danny Boyle Distillery

Academy Award-winning director Danny Boyle wants to be a Distillery millionaire. But sorry, Danny Boy, there's no phoning a friend here. You're born alone, you die alone, and you get distilled alone.

David Fincher Distillery

Director David Fincher learns the first rule of The Distillery. Oh, no, there is a Distillery and you can talk about it all you want. That rule: you don't want to know.

Single Malt Cinema Episode 4.0

America's favorite podcast is back with an all-TV edition and a very special friend. That's right, Paul joins us for a discussion about series finales and the best HBO shows of all time. And just in time for Paul's birthday.
Happy Birthday, pal. You are now immortal.

Single Malt Cinema Episode 3.0

Ridley Scott, director of Alien, Blade Runner, and White Squall--prepare to be DISTILLED! Actually, it already happened. Sorry, Sir.All that plus more of the usual charm, wit, and hi-jinks. And hats. Don't forget the hats. (Please note: hats may not be visible on the podcast.)

Single Malt Cinema Episode 2.0

2010 Summer Movie Preview! Plus, Vin on what films are making him mad! And, we welcome a new sponsor!

Single Malt Cinema Episode 1.0

You'll never forget where you were when you first heard this episode as Vin and Frank introduce their paradigm-shifting invention The Distillery. Your and Steven Spielberg's lives will never be the same.

Single Malt Cinema Episode 0

The infamous Episode Zero! In the kickoff installment of our podcast series, our dashing hosts use the Spanish film Timecrimes as a launching pad for a conversation about time travel and all its fantastically opaque implications. They may have also had a couple of drinks.