Thursday, November 11, 2010

Playlist: Lethal Weapon 5

It's been 12 years since the last entry in this film series, the original of which became the template for every buddy cop movie since. Not only have the stars gotten that much older in the past decade plus (Danny Glover is apparently still alive), but Mel Gibson has gone completely train wreck nuts. So the only hope fans had for a sequel at this point rested on some precision recasting of these popular and recognizable characters. Fortunately, that's just what they got.

In an artistic move perhaps not seen since the hey day of Ed Wood, the directors of LW5 decided the best way to fill Danny and Mel's shoes was with four pairs of feet. Not four actors, but two trading roles mid-film. That's right, Detectives Murtaugh and Riggs were given new life by Dennis Reynolds and Mac (who I should also mention co-directed the movie). The result was actually a film within a film. Aside from the explosive action we have come to expect from this series, we were treated to a thespianic clinic. Mac and Reynolds gave us completely different and original takes on the two characters, essentially treating the audience to four unique characters to enjoy. (As for some of the pre-release concern over Mac's choice to don blackface, I can only say an NAACP Image Award for the courageous actor wouldn't surprise me at all.)

All that plus a bravado villain turn by Frank Reynolds (apparently no relation to Dennis). His corrupt Indian tribal leader made me want to put on a badge just to bring him down. But the proof of his acting prowess came in the way this despicable man was able to flip our feelings on their head and seduce us with his five-alarm love scene. I had to take a cold shower before I could even think about writing this post.

What's left to say other than I can't wait for 6.

1 comment:

  1. Another great favorite so far has been the boat episode
