Sunday, February 13, 2011

Playlist: Never Let Me Go

What terrible marketing. Terrible. I remember seeing the preview for this and wanting to doze off before the two minutes were up. But then I heard that there was a twist of sorts. Then, that the book on which it was based was really good. Award-winning even. And then it got some buzz once people actually saw it.

That buzz was still not enough. Enough for me to see it, but not enough for what it deserves. This British countryside drama is actually a fascinating science fiction film, and one of the best in a long time. If I were to Hollywood pitch it to you: Atonement meets Children of Men.

Carey Mulligan (who I can't say enough about without coming away with a restraining order), the suddenly everywhere Andrew Garfield, and the contractually-obligated to be cast in every movie like this Keira Knightly grow up together in what looks like a traditional boarding school (the children picked to play their younger selves are spot on). It turns out the school is anything but traditional. And it turns out it's hard to talk about this film without undermining its power.

That twist I heard about isn't a twist at all because it slowly unfolds from the start when it's revealed that we're in an alternate history where medical advancements have made it possible for the average lifespan to reach 100. But, of course, what makes this high concept so powerful is the humanity captured in Alex Garland's script and Mark Romanek's direction. The plot and the emotional performances are intertwined, feeding off each other, neither one cheating or undercutting the other. It's really an incredible balance and a remarkable film.


  1. Sounds cool...I want to see this

  2. Saw it...and liked it alot...I really fell in "Like" with carrey Mulligan...I kept thinking she was Michelle Williams though
