Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Playlist: Toy Story 3

The no-brainer Oscar pool pick in what was a down year for animated films (though I did enjoy How to Train Your Dragon). Not that it would have mattered, really. The quality of the entire TS trilogy has been amazingly consistent. And clever. The use of thoughtful visuals and character details that enhance the viewing experience is in stark contrast to what's become the standard cartoon throwaway sight gag crutch. This is probably what gives Pixar films their "heart" compared to the dreck of Shrek.

Which is all well and good, but I know what you want. You want to know if I cried. Apparently, everyone else did. Everyone. So, in what may be the shock of the year, I didn't. Not that I didn't get a little ocularly moist. I did. I'm not that big of a bastard. But I knew it was coming and that took a bit of the edge off, or at least allowed my testosterone to lay down a protective layer of machismo. It's that damn nostalgia, isn't it? It's the disease of this generation, by which I mean my generation, of which you have no idea since I am ageless on the Internet. Not immortal, exactly. More like interminable.

So, have I ever cried during a movie? Maybe. Maybe during The Pride of the Yankees. Best speech ever. Field of Dreams. Maybe Big Fish. We're not talking breakdown here, like the teenage girl in front of me during Titanic who seriously needed her coven of BFFs to help her out of the theater. We're talking about those moments that get you right there (tap your chest...no, a little lower). And it's nothing to be ashamed of either. We're being manipulated. Hell, we're paying to be manipulated. It's the same reason why you shouldn't try to stop your toe from tapping during some crappy pop song. Someone spent millions of dollars figuring out how to make you do that. Who the hell are you to stop it?

Thought of another one: The Road. Yes, I see a theme: baseball and fathers. The Road hitting me from the other side of paternity. Everyone has an emotional weakness. What's yours? What movies made you wet?

Hold on, that sounds like a Vin post. What movies made you cry?


  1. I'm a huge crier in all areas of life. Really, it's not attractive. I remember the last time i would've cried in the theatre was benjamin button but i was with my brother and i didn't want him to think i'm a wuss. so i spent the last couple of minutes of the movie sort of contorting myself so i wouldn't cry.

  2. Wet ...Ha...you know me too well... I cried at ET and Synechdoche NY...
