Sunday, March 6, 2011

Playlist: Gasland

Why do I keep watching this stuff? Like I don't have enough to make me angry just by opening my eyes each morning, I go and learn something new. Idiot.

What I learned about in Josh Fox's Oscar-nominated doc is the practice of fracking. You know, hydraulic fracturing. You know, the process of drilling down to get natural gas. Like I said, fracking. Needless to say, this isn't a corporate promotional video.

Turns out that they use chemicals to frack. The ones that poison drinking water and give you cancer. Now before you ask how that's even possible considering our scientific knowledge concerning poison and cancer, allow me to offer two words: Dick Cheney. Of course.

Seems ol' Lucidick pushed through a little exemption (adorably nicknamed the Halliburton Loophole) in the Bush Energy Bill. That would be to exempt the companies drilling for gas from the Safe Drinking Water Act. If you're not familiar with every Act like I am, this one was intended to make sure our Drinking Water remains safe. That image at the top? That's someone's kitchen sink. And it's not the only one.

Keep in mind, however, that Fox isn't Michael Moore. He's just a guy who started worrying about his own home in rural Pennsylvania and decided to investigate. No one he meets gives one red damn about Republicans or Democrats. They just would prefer to die from obesity like every other American. It's a national problem and, I hope not to your surprise, no one cares. The Environmental Protection Agency is a joke. Congress is, well, Congress. State governments...oh, forget it.  

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