Friday, October 8, 2010

The Casey Affleck Effect

The directorial debut of Casey Affleck was I'm Still Here...I loved it , so I decided to see some Casey Affleck films as an actor...I heard good things about The Killer Inside I got it from Netflix...I also have Gone Baby Gone coming and will report on that...

Remember Casey as the younger brother of "you know who", Casey was in Good Will Hunting as the snarky brother...and also in To Die For with Joaquin Phoenix and the unforgettable Oceans films I guess....but know he is coming into his own with a great acting performance alongside Kate Hudson, Ned Beatty, and Jessica Alba in The Killer Inside Me....unfortunately not all old books about Texas and Killers are as great as No Country for Old Men...cause even with a great acting performance and interesting story of how a man becomes a serial killer, this film is a mess...Micheal Winterbottom is a disaster as a director...because the "direction" of this film's plot and musical choices and editing is's so bad that at the end of the film there is a key scene with an explosion...the CGI is so bad that most posters on the IMDB boards actually think that that is a "sign" that the end is "just a delusion of a character's mind"'s just bad filmmaking

But don't let that fool you. It's worth a rent since Affleck to me is now better then his brother Ben...I still have to see The Assasination of Jesse James and Gone Baby Gone

1 comment:

  1. By the way...I watched Gone Baby Gone...the first 35 minutes or so were great...after that I was like..."What the Fuck B"...with a BAWSTOON accent...they take out the great characters in the first act and replace them with sub par characters that we have seen Ed Harris playing a wannabe Viggo Mortensen...and Morgan Frreman playing Morgan Freeman...and casey Affleck saying..."What the Fuck B...what happened to my good movie?"
