Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Playlist: The Foot Fist Way

Vinny Guns told me I had to watch Eastbound & Down. He was right. Not that I had to watch it, I don't think. It's possible (though not literally) that he could have telepathically hijacked me into doing it, but then again, wouldn't he then wipe my mind of any knowledge of his manipulation? That only makes sense, right? No, what I meant was he was right about it being good. Did I not mention that part? It was implied, like this sarcasm.

Then, Vinny Guns then told me I had to watch Danny McBride and Jody Hill's first film, The Foot Fist Way. (Please note: Vinny Guns didn't say please either time.) So, I watched it. And it was good, just not as good. It was funny, just not as funny. What it turned out to be was a test run for Eastbound with McBride's character, Taekwondo instructor Fred Simmons, essentially being Kenny Powers sans sweet ass mullet. If you like McBride, which I do, that's a good thing. Unfortunately, he's undermined by some less than stellar supporting performances, the actress playing his wife being of particular notverygoodness. But, that's what you get in such a small production. (Hill's small role as a slightly off-center fellow martial artist is the best non-McBride thing in the film.)

Actually, FFW is closer in tone to Hill's Observe & Report than Eastbound. Unsurprisingly, Vinny Guns is a big O&R fan as well. Me, less so. But we both agree wholeheartedly that we're fans of Vinny Guns. BOOM!

1 comment:

  1. The first season of E and D McBride says BOOM Zero times...in Foot Fist its like 4...In O and Rep the main character says it like 10 times...last episode of EB and Down...McBride gives me what I wants and says it like 2 times...he is awsome...episode 7 is the best of all EastBound and Down
