Wednesday, May 18, 2011

1st Time Director...ME

Monkeycide: A look at how Monkeys learn to become Human.

I uploaded this to YouTube to see if I could do "handle" on there is see if you can check it out and get me some views so I can be rich and famous and on Tosh.O or something

This started out to see if I could use Windows Media Live...and started to be a funny montage of monkeys doing people things which I love...but then turned very dark...very let me know what you think of my first directorial "Source Material" if you will.


  1. Single Malt CinemobsessedWed May 18, 03:28:00 PM

    Can't watch this till later. It doesn't play on my phone :(

    I'll definitely view it tonight on my pirated internet signal in my bathroom...

  2. Single Malt CinemobsessedWed May 18, 09:21:00 PM

    Update: I watched & commented on the video.

    I laughed, I cried. It made me want to start smoking, drinking, and wearing silly glasses.
