Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lifetime Movies : 2003

Time has started running forward again. Aught three, here we go.

Winner: Old School

Wait, did I just give away the winner of another aborted list? You'll have to stay tuned and hope I finally get back to reborting it. In the meantime, I have to invoke the rewatchability clause in this little exercise and if there's one film from this year that I can sit through over and over, it's this one. It's probably the closest we've come to replicating the vibe of those late 70s/early 80s comedy classics like Caddyshack and Vacation. (And in keeping with tradition, Old School has  inspired countless inferior knockoffs, most of which have seemed to star Vince Vaughn.) Plus, the decade gets its hallmark frat comedy, following the vomit-stained path of Animal House, Revenge of the Nerds, and PCU, an underrated 90s gem. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to finish this post and get to Home Depot. Yeah, buy some wallpaper, maybe get some flooring, stuff like that. Maybe Bed, Bath, & Beyond, I don't know, I don't know if  I'll have enough time. 

Films of Note:
Big Fish: The last great Tim Burton movie and one that always gets something in my eye at the end. Bonus: features one of the last great Pearl Jam songs.

The Cooler: The requisite indie sleeper. Big fan of Maria Bello.

Kill Bill Vol. 1: Tremendous fun, but I have trouble considering it as a stand alone film. Call it a technicality.

The Last Samurai: Say what you will, but I thought this was very well done and said a lot about men and honor in the face of change. Plus, you know, samurai.

Lord of the Rings 3: I already said I wasn't going to consider any of the LotR sequels, even though this actually won the Oscar. Truth be told, I thought this went on way too long. Now, before you claim they were only being loyal to the source material allow me to say that Tolkien's ending went on way too long. I don't know why so many people consider these books to be religious texts. Either way, the best film-for-film trilogy ever made. On an completely unrelated note, the Matrix sequels also came out this year.

Love Actually: Whatever. But it could be the romantic comedy of the decade. Don't know. Haven't really thought about it before that last sentence.

Once Upon a Time in Mexico and Pirates of the Caribbean: What a year for Johnny Depp. Two terrific characters in two terrifically entertaining movies. Disney marketing scam or not, Jack Sparrow is genius.


  1. Single Malt CinemobsessedThu May 19, 08:50:00 PM

    I know there's gonna be a backlash, but I really don't get the allure of Old School. I saw it once and all I remember is Vaughn was a D-bag, Ferrell was a retard, and Andy Dick may have been in it. I don't think i'd watch it again. I guess I just don't like fratboy humor...but then I never started my own fraternity, so I don't hold those of you who enjoy this crap in any less esteem. Not that you could get much lower.

    I loved Kill Bill Vol. I and mostly enjoyed Vol.II, these films are definitely the best thing Uma has to offer. Am I crazy or does she look like she always has a runny nose. There's something not right about her face.

  2. True that,,,I never was in a frat..but I liked the surprise of Old School...if there was a bunch of hype like Hangover I would probably not of liked it so much...comedy is funny..if you asked me mu favorite film..that would be easy...but my favorite comedy...?...I dont think I can answer that with a single answer...comedy changes like every couple of months then goes stale like milk...while films are like a fine wine...or jazz...or scotch...they get better with age

  3. Or you, Vinny Hi-Life. Better and more expensive with age.

  4. As for comedies, I agree, but I also think that's what separates the classics--their timelessness. Sure, it's more about personal taste than other genres, but, actually it's more complicated than that. Maybe this should be a post. Damn you, VHL.

  5. What timeless comedies?...Chaplin?...I dont get it...I cant think of one truly timeless comedy...I demand an answer
