Thursday, December 30, 2010

Lifetime Films: 2001

No, not that's 2001 like for real and it was 9 years ago now. Looking at this year's films I see some that I caught in the theater and more and more films I find on DVD after the fact or on cable. Let's get down to my 3 top choices and then the winner shall we

The Royal Tannenbaums

Mulholland Drive

Fellowship of the Ring: I knew nothing of the books, I barely knew what the story was about...and went to see these films with my buddy Jeff, who knew the stories and helped me along with what would happen. I loved these...I can only say that knowing we would get 1 film a year and the story continued was a great experience that has not yet been duplicated...I can also say that of the 3 films they did get better, as did the CGI and the story got tenser and the battles for me this film is my least favorite of the 3 films...but still one of my favorites of the year...also I cant watch the theatrical version...for me its the extended cut or nothing.
The Royal Tannenbaums: This film just feels a lot older then 2001...with the success of Bottle Rocket and Rushmore I looked forward to this film...especially with a bigger cast and all the great set design and quirky lines and great characters...this is a quintessential Wes Anderson Film...


Mulholland Drive it's Lynch again...This film is like his we get into the plot...the plot becomes irrelevant and the dream takes over...we see this done for the masses in Inception...but here it balances the line between reality and dream so well...I think Lynch went into total dream with Inland Empire...but here the story of a hopefully naive starlet struck with obsession by another woman becomes a nightmare. This film introduced us to Naomi Watts who is brilliant and the sex scene is intense...the color is great...the score is awesome by Angelo Baldamenti...easily my favorite...and to think this was supposed to be a made for TV series...what a joke...this was the best film of 2001.


A Beautiful Mind: I liked it...glad that Jen Connelly won...but I cant help but thinking that Ron Howard just makes the same film over and over toying with our emotions so blatantly...see Cinderella Man and Far and Away

AI- Stanley Kubrick's story done by Spielberg...I liked it and maybe most of my like is that we will never see a new Kubrick film again

Donnie Darko: Richard Kelly has good ideas...too bad they are convoluted and hard to figure out...the look of this film and soundtrack is great...but so did he time travel?..or it was a worm hole?

Black Hawk Down: Love a good gritty war film

Monsters Ball: Found this one years later...Heath Ledger is great and so is that Sling Blade feller...Billy Bob Thornton is very good as well as Halle Berry...great story set during a weird time in America

So as 2010 is closing I reflect on easy one for me to love...but you know what they say, so happy together (hint for 2002 best film)

1 comment:

  1. Looking back I just wrote 2...2001 reviews...I am lost
