Saturday, December 4, 2010

Star Watch: Michael Shannon

Boardwalk Empire has become slow, predictive and dull. The first two episodes were awesome...but then they lag on that dreadful Irish "Widow"...and even Buscemi became dull and predictable...but the last two episodes have erased all that...and the true star, Michael Shannon...the next "Daniel Day Lewis" (well maybe not that far...but maybe the next great actor...I knew him from the 2 minutes I watched Bug...then fast forwarded through Revolution Road to see just his scenes...but this guy is on fire in Boardwalk Empire...I don't want to give too much away but it's a must see if you have any interest in the show. The rest is standard mini-series stuff...Like The Walking Dead is now just ok (I heard Darabont fired all the writers on the show.....Boardwalk is one where I really felt like it was too long...and when my DVR was filled with more I felt an empty feeling like, "Do I really have to watch the rest of this?"

Check out Shannon he is great

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