Monday, December 27, 2010

Playlist: My Son My Son What Have Ye Done

I have a lot of time off this week...I should be "getting work done"...or "spending time with the family"...or "reading a book"..or "controlling my diet"...but it always comes down to me wanting to revisit some old films or watch extras on dvd's that I never have gotten is a list that always pops up around this time of year:

Schenecdoche NY
Twin Peaks (the whole series to rewatch)
Homicide (I am up to season 3 of 7...the first 2 were amazing...but now?)
The Lord of the Rings ( all three in a row in one day...extended cut only)
The Brown Bunny
Letters from Iwo Jima (until I heard Paul Haggis wrote it)
Thunderbolt and Light Foot
The Sicilian
The Sunchaser (last 3 to complete my Micheal Cimino collection)
Various Commentary tracks:
Youth without Youth with Coppola
The Fog with John Carpenter

But why?...why go through this...why not just watch some new films for a change rather then the old ones or the ones I feel I must watch to be a completest. So why not watch this film:

"My Son My Son What Have Ye Done"
reasons that struck my interest:
1. Directed by Werner Herzog
2. Produced by David Lynch
3. Actor Micheal Shannon
also...Chloe Sevigny, Willelm DeFoe, Micheal Pena, Udo Kier, Grace Zabriske..and based on a true story...according to Herzog 70 % of the story is made up.

Micheal Shannon is incredible as this mad man...obsessed with a sword, prescription glasses, Muslims, ostriches, and God...all the actors are pretty good...Micheal Pena is intentionally unintentionally funny, Willem DeFoe is solid, Chloe is good, and Udo Keir and Brad Dourif as Uncle Ben is a mad man...but the best of the best is my favorite actor of late and that's Shannon...this man seems to play crazy very well..I would like to see him in something other then far I have seen him in Boardwalk Empire, parts of Bug, Revolution Road...which I only fast forwarded till I got to his part...

So I take Frank's inspiration and just watch new movies now...say goodbye to those old fossil DVD's

1 comment:

  1. Frank does not just watch new movies. Besides, you just cannot stop being the Vin we all love and respect. Your knowledge of classic cinema is what gives SMC its authority as the leading source of your opinion on the Web. Do not get overwhelmed by your choices. Whatever you get around to watching is enough for us.
