Sunday, August 8, 2010

Lifetime Movies: 1997

What a beautiful family picture:...1997 was our foray into PT Anderson...the Wunderkind. I saw Boogie Nights in the first reaction was "Someone just ripped off Martin Scorsese" time went on I saw that yes he did...but in other ways he surpassed the master...Scorsese would have a tough time balancing the comedy, drama, action, etc..not that he "can't do that"...but he really hasn't I think...anyway enough about that...this is about Boogie Nights..the best film of 1997.
Leonardo DiCaprio was to play the role that went to Mark Wahlberg...I think Wahlberg was the best person for this...he plays naive so well...he was born for this role...sometimes in film I can't stand him...but other times he is he was..the casting is spot on...Julianne Moore is incredible and our fan favorite Philip Seymour Hoffman is the best actor alive..or at least close to it...but the star is PT Anderson...he does ensemble well..he does single character studies well...the guy was the kid in high school who wouldn't have to study and then set the curve for the class and get all A' hate him because he makes it all seem so easy. Every scene is crammed with stuff to look at and discuss..every line is thought out and means something on many for the's the last commentary PT has done and is a good one...the last shot is for the fake penis, according to the commentary it's still around and each year is deteriorating more and more...but this film will live on for years as a classic.

Others films:

Chasing Amy: Mostly seen as K. Smith's best probably is, but the ending is still weird...Ben Affleck actually offers to have a 3some for real? I haven't seen this in a while..I just can't handle Ben crying in that car.
The Game: Underrated Fincher film...I remember the trailer being got me so excited for showed Micheal Douglas drowning and pieces of a puzzle coming was the way originally Sean Penn's character was to be played by Jodie Foster...also the writers...I mean this film is original and you would think that the writers went on to make cool original films..but I guess sometimes you get the SE7EN Andrew Kevin Walker...a one hit wonder..these writers went on to do Surrogates, Terminator 3, Terminator Salvation,and Catwoman???
Gattaca: I love this's original, slick looking...I care about all the characters and it's an interesting take on a real future and the love of space flight...not to mention Ethan Hawke is great and should be in a million more films..The director Andrew Niccol is returning to sci-fi after S1mone and Lord of War.
Orgazmo: South Park...after episode 6 with the Mr. Hanky I was done...this film though about Mormons and the Porn Industry is a nice funny compliment to Boogie Nights..."I'm done with Hamstersyle"
Waiting For Guffman: I love the Christopher Guest Mockumentaries...this one is about the second best one...the best is the "My Dinner with Andre" Action Figures.
Lost Highway: A great Lynch film...the scariest guy almost ever in a Lynch film with alleged murderer Robert Blake..and Patricia Arquette is hot hot hot...look for old Hank Rollins as a security guard...and Marilyn Manson as a porn star
In The Company of Men: The film that introduced me to Aaron Eckhart...he is AWESOME in this...I expected great things from director Neil LaBute...but, came a lot of films from him that I just never saw...maybe I should...this film is just an experiment in everything you want to do as a man to hurt women...all women


  1. The ending of Chasing Amy was so completely wrong that it ruined what should have been a great film. It is just not believable on any level. Agree with everything, as usual, especially Arquette in Lost Highway.

    You should not have given up on South Park. I think those guys have made 4 PLUS movies.

  2. Frank...add yours...1999 is the greatest movie year of aLL TIME
