Sunday, August 8, 2010

Playlist: Remember Me I am talked into this film by my "partner". She of course loves romantic films and due to her (and mine) newly discovered love for "Twilight" and Team Edward...we watch Robert Pattinson and company.

There is a string of films that have been recently out that are romantic comedy/dramas that end badly..or at least the romantic couple either aren't right for each other, breakup or something tragic happens...sometimes these are done well (like The Puffy Chair, 500 Days of Summer, or Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind).

Other times this could be done right but ultimately it's a mess...see The Break-Up..and now add Remember Me.

This film stars three leads (Pierce Brosnan, Rob Pattinson, and Emille de Ravin) who all are from England and Australia...and all play New Yorkers???!!??...Brosnan not only plays a New Yorker...he plays someone from Brooklyn...he even tries a Brooklyn accent???...Chris Cooper who I love also plays a New York detective...his accent is terrible...It throws the movie...but also there is a mess of a plot with multiple stories and family issues and family tragedies that should need like 4 hours to go through...but they don't...then an underlying SPOILER is alluded to sneakily throughout the the back of my mind I see the SPOILER coming...and then this romantic Romeo and Juliet type film built on a heap of lies goes in a direction that staggers my mind...was this SPOILER there to mean something? just makes a tragic film the most over the top film of the year...I really want to spoil this film..but I want you to watch it and then throw your remote at the screen at the last big SPOILER shot...This got a 28% from Rotten Tomatoes by the way.

There is some good..I really like Robert Pattinson...if he makes good career decisions he could be a real good actor to watch...I think he would make a great criminal or organized crime (Irish) character...I want to see him as a bad ass.


  1. I know it was an accident but please be more responsible than to write the line, "...see The Break-Up.." Someone might read that fast and actually take you literally.

    Ok, Pattinson or Sean William Scott? You three make one isosceles love triangle.

  2. doubt...the break up was not D'Onofrio was great
