Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lifetime Movies: 1980

Nominees: Airplane!, Caddyshack, The Empire Strikes Back, Raging Bull, The Shining

Sorry for the delay, SMCaholics. But as the inestimable Vin said, this was one crackerjack year for movies (not to mention perhaps the most important year for mankind since 0). Airplane! is one of the rare sight gag comedies that never gets old and set the stage for the Zucker/Abrahams/Zucker sensibility to run wild over the decade. Far too many memorable moments to even begin mentioning. That said, it may not have even been the funniest film of the year (it also may have--coin flip it). I may have seen Caddyshack more than any movie ever. I'm very tempted to pick it here for that reason. I have a paragraph to decide. But I do have to mention that no matter how hysterical Bill Murray, Rodney Dangerfield, and Chevy Chase are here, this is Ted Knight's movie. His Judge Smails is a blueprint for comedic brilliance. Vin really summed up Empire well. It's as good as its hype and the whole "Who's your Daddy" reveal was probably the most mind-blowing moment of my childhood (that I haven't repressed). Raging Bull? A masterpiece and I wouldn't argue with anyone who claimed it was the best film ever. The Shining? Hands down, the most haunting movie I've ever seen. There's this one scene at the end when Shelly Duval is running out of the hotel and all hell is breaking loose and she glances down the hallway and sees...some guy in what looks like a dog costume, leaning over a bed. It's brief and random and for whatever reason it freaked me the frank out. No one ever knows what I'm talking about when I mention this, but I have rewatched it and confirmed it's there. Trust me, I write on the Internet.

Winner: The Shining

Notes: The prison rodeo romp, Stir Crazy, caps off the great comedy run of Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor...Yes, there was a time before Friday the 13th sequels. I remember seeing parts of the original at my neighbor's house (on Laserdisc!) and being so scared I had to leave the room. I probably hid under the table where all the adults were talking, most likely about key parties and...repressssssssssssssss...ah, better. Where was I? Mad Max was low-budget cool, though eclipsed by its sequel, The Road Warrior...Speaking of movies that frightened me (god, I was a little sissy), The Island is one most people don't know. It stars Michael Caine as a journalist who, along with his young son, get kidnapped by pirates...I'm always disappointed by The Blues Brothers not being better than it is. And shorter. It's way too long...I love giant killer animal movies and Alligator may be the best ever...There was a time when I thought Flash Gordon was the coolest movie ever. I'm pretty sure it's not, though...In this year of great comedies, I don't want to forget The Gods Must Be Crazy...Ok, there are a lot more to mention, but I won't go on, well, except to mention Popeye. I haven't seen it in a long time, but it's generally regarded as a flop these days. I remember going to see this with my mom and my dad, which did not happen very often. And I remember loving the end when Popeye sends the octopus flying with a punch. I would draw that scene over and over. (Hope that little story makes up for me not including Charlie Brown. Jerks.)


  1. Damn it...I knew I should have picked the Shinning

  2. Single Malt CinemobsessedWed May 05, 09:33:00 PM

    Don't you dare second guess your pick for 1980.

    Just because Frank chose a movie based solely on a scene with a guy in a dog costume, which may or may not exist, it does not discredit the forethought and obvious deliberation that you observed in selecting your winner for 1980. You said yourself that it had been the most difficult year so far due to the the number of great films that were released. Stand behind your choice, it was an informed and educated assessment of that year in cinema.

    BTW, Popeye was sooooooo good. I can't stand Robin Williams, but, that movie had incredible casting. I mean, every single character from the comics/cartoons was so well represented it was simply remarkable. It has singing too...and the songs are clever, funny, and authentic to the characters.

  3. Umm.....It was just a joke

  4. Single Malt CinemobsessedThu May 06, 09:02:00 PM


    I'm gonna take off my stalker cap for a moment and have a dialogue.

    In playing the role of someone who is obsessed, I am obligated to react in extreme ways. You may not always understand, but that is to be expected. At times it may seem irrational and an overreaction, but in order to embrace the role I have chosen to play I must succumb to the emotions as they arise.

    I'd hate to miss out on witty banter because you think I'm being serious.

    Also, there's a good chance that I wrote that, just so I could take a shot at frank's fear of dog costumes.

    I'm putting my stalker cap back on...see you tonight, though you won't see me as I'll be obstructed from your view.

  5. Uh, can we focus back on me for a second? I am not scared of dog costumes per say...just, well, ok, there was that date with the Furry that ended with me crying in the corner know what? Maybe this is not the forum for this.

  6. wait..was it a dog costume...?...I always saw it as a bear...or a dog bear hybrid

  7. SingleMaltCinemobsessedFri May 07, 01:44:00 PM

    View at you own risk...not for weak stomached little girls...or frank.

  8. see I was bear hybrid

  9. SingleMaltCinemobsessedFri May 07, 10:56:00 PM

    Wonder what kind of gas mileage he gets on the highway...buh dump bump...crap, I seem to have misplaced my rimshot.
