Monday, May 17, 2010

Lifetime Movies: 1982

Frank hit my top two on the nose..but we kind of discussed those earlier . 1982 is an odd year, not alot of choices for me. I am still torn after these posts, do I pick my straight up favorite film, or the best film...maybe they should be both, but lets face it the one movie I pick today I have not seen more than the others, does that make it not the best?...enough already here is a list of the best of the best.

Blade Runner, Diner, An Officer and a Gentlemen, ET

The winner is Barry Levinsons calling card film and ode to the sweet old days of Baltimore before crack and Stringer Bell got its hooks into Bodymore, Murderland.

I quote this movie more than any other film (thanks to my buddy in college and big toe Jeff). I forced my real wife to answer football questions like Steve Guttenbergs character does in Diner (his best performance hands down next to Citizens on Patrol). The great Mickey Rourke is a screen god in this film, Kevin Bacon is funner then that time he played a child pedophile in Woodsman, Paul Riser is topps, and that guy that does that voice from the Wonder Years is great (Daniel Stern), also Wings guy (Tim Daly) and Ellen Barkin is hot. The cast is great and the film is funny and about growing takes place in the 50's but its themes are timeless. The conversations are surreal and fun and fresh and you want to be friends with these guys. I really love this film, and force myself not to overwatch it so that I can enjoy it each time, and each time is special...its the kind of film you can recommend to a friend, and if that friend hates end that friendship.

Blade Runner:

I can understand this film is not for everyone, but its the best Anti-Star Wars film ever...I love star wars but this is a new level, this film is a film noir, scify punk film that launches Ridley Scott into the upper echelon of directors...its sad that Scott has not again come back to sci fi yet


Saw it twice the year it came out in theaters, it is still great fun to watch and the ET figure is better puppet work then most CGI today

An Officer and a Gentlemen:

I guess I was 8 in 1982...but by 1984 or so I saw this film over and over again on HBO as a kid...I must have seen it 4-8 times in a span of a few months..I dont know what it was but I was captivated by the story


Saw this in the theater and my mom and her friends all said they didnt "get it" was ahead of its time with the way you could manipulate computers and it foreshadowed cyber space and virtual reality...I got it...I sure did

Thats year is a little more difficult...I am finding that I was fascinated at a young age by odd 1982's Officer and a 1983 it gets odder.


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