Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lifetime Movies: 1981

So, will I be an Ultra Snob if I picked My Dinner with Andre?...now that's a movie that in the film Waiting for Guffman does have action figures.

I do love My Dinner with Andre, it is hypnotic to watch, has layers of meaning...the restaurant could be seen as a metaphor for HELL...and you can stay in the hotel that has that restaurant that they shot in, which is in Richmond, VA...but if I watched that film as a 7 or 8 year old, I would have slit my wrists...the winner is clearly Raiders of the Lost Ark..which I am happy to say is also one of my own children's favorite films...so now that that's out of the way...what about the other films that I looked at for this year...Frank did a good job with his so hear is mine.

Winner: Raiders of the Lost Ark

For Your Eyes Only: for some reason this was on TV all the time when I was a kid...I watched it over and over for those Bond action and love scenes

Bustin' Loose: Richard Pryor at his best..those kids were bad bad bad...one was a pyro, one a thief, one was a hooker...it was crazy

Clash of the Titans: taught me all the Greek Mythology I need to know...like how the value of their money is just a story they tell children (economics joke)

Escape from NY: probably #2 on my list...Snake Plisken was my original bad ass...literally, I have him tattooed on my ass that has cramps

Neighbors: I think I once counted 5 people in this whole film...I mean after Animal House, what the heck...as a kid I watched this for some reason...it is weird and funky, and icky...and for some reason the crazy Belushi plays the straight man..if you are even remotely interested, you must see this as film history.

Heartbeeps: this is a terrible film...but its a must for Andy Kaufman fans, which I am...the crazy Kaufman must have done this for the money...but he plays it so real and so well...not to mention another great performance by Bernadette Peters


  1. Single Malt CinemobsessedTue May 11, 10:28:00 PM

    Diner with Andre I'm unfamiliar with, however I was forced to watch Dinner with Andre (time to fire your editor)* in college in a pop culture class. You're right, it was like hell. I wish I was pretentious enough to pretend to like this film. I will say it was interesting and groundbreaking in it's minimalist style, but the idea of ever watching it again is actually painful to me. Maybe I have the mentality of a 7/8 year old, but I'd hope I was close to a blunt object or possibly a knitting needle.

    However, Indiana Jones is awesome about 75% of the time, the other 25% is embarassingly overshadowed by Shia lesuckybouf swinging through the jungle via cgi.

    And clash of the titans is a sheer masterpiece of clamation special effects. I can't tell you how much I love this movie and movies of this kind of movie. I don't know when beastmaster or the Conan movies came out, but I hope they make an appearance on a list or two.

    Clutch, why no mention of evil dead? I noticed Frank gave it a shout out. Just curious, trying to figure out your process.

    *I hope I didn't offend you with the diner/dinner comment, I actually assume frank is going back in after you've written your blog and throwing in typos to make his own posts look better because he can't compete with the content of yours.

  2. Actually, I am going back and making mine worse. Thanks for paying attention.

    Any chance you would like to write a post or two?

  3. 1. I am offended
    2. I hate evil dead references and zombies...sorry frank I just dont get it...thats why we have frank writting his bolg and me mine...we are different...a site with two people who see eye to eye is worthless...so no I dont need you writting on my site..i withdraw franks offer...go edit that BOOM

  4. Single Malt CinemobsessedThu May 13, 08:21:00 AM


    Didn't mean to anger the blogging gods, guess I'll just sulk back to my cabin in the woods* with my head lowered in shame.

    I only asked about evil dead because I was curious where you landed on the spectrum, I never implied I wanted you to think like Frank, God knows we don't need more of that. Ummm, without getting to defensive though, I would like to point out that E.D. is not a zombie movie (didn't you read the manifesto).

    As for writing a post, I wouldn't dream of it, even before you stripped me of my dignity. It would disrupt the balance, let's save it for our jump the shark episode.

    *Evil Dead reference, I know how much you love those...SNAP...bear with me I'm still working out my catch phrase.

  5. I feel partially* responsible for your spat. SMOC, you obviously have a lot to say about movies and are, well, obsessive about the site. Our previous attempts to invite guest writers have landed with a thud. All for the best, though. Let's just keep our relationship as it is since it is working so well.

    Vin, if anything, SMOC's existence is validation of your vision for SMC. Your protectiveness is commendable, but keep in mind that we are all on the same team here. Let's not fight amongst ourselves when there are SO MANY other people to fight.

    *The other part, of course, is that you are both crazy. Crazy in love.

  6. anything with the words "evil" and "dead" in the title or description equals zombie...zombies are slow, zombies are dead and brainless..zombies are boring...and smoc is a zombie loving troll who hides behind their anonymity...so go take more english classes and go your spell checker and bitch to frank...my name is vin...I dont hide behind some made up name

  7. No Longer SingleMaltCinemobsessedThu May 13, 08:18:00 PM

    this isn't fun anymore...I thought we were just teasing, but it's obvious you do not want or like my input. I'm sorry. My enjoyment was genuine and my apology is sincere.

    I've been working on something for you guys, it's not really finished, but in light of the current situation, I guess I should go ahead and show it to you now, since we won't be in contact anymore after this. Again, sorry.

    Oh and I don't deny that I am a zombie lover, but I'm not troll. Also, I've never bitched to Frank, as far as I know he's as much in the dark as you are about my identity.

    Vin, thats a better name than Clutch, thanks for the memories :)

    For your viewing pleasure:

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. and what kind of school. or class that is to teach "POP CULTURE"...shows My Dinner with Andre"?..give me a break thats one cracked out school..cause that movie is the opposite of pop culture...unless the teacher was using it as a non-example...I call bullshit on this

  10. Single Malt CinemobsessedSat May 15, 10:20:00 PM

    Thanks for calling my bullshit, you always keep me grounded. The class was actually called Cultural Studies & Popular Arts, or at least thats what they called in in 2002 at USF. We also watched Memento and read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. I had to search through my old records, but I did find a few papers. If you'd like to read my thoughts on free will and the individual I can put them in a locker at the bus station, just tell me when.

  11. why the heck didnt I take classes like that at USF?...all I got was theory and a case of gingervitis
