Thursday, May 20, 2010

Playlist: Ironman 2

Iron Man 2 was not Iron was too long and not enough bad guys. I think this is the first film to make the Playlist and still be in theaters. That said, I had to see this film because it is Iron I have to eat food because its there...not because it tastes good or it looks good...but well...its there so I will eat it....and I ate this one real taste...but I know I will go back for more. The best scenes are the action ones I think, there is alot of talking and a cool dance move by Sam Rockwell to the music from Swingers...nice touch Johnny Favs...Downey was good...but it just went on a bit too long...too much of Downey's schtick. Many people are right when they say this is a set up for the Avengers film that will include the yet to be released Thor, Captain America and possibly Hulk.
Also, I liked Terrance Howard as the military buddy of Stark...I thought Don Cheadle would be good...but Don needs to stick with the dramas and crappy award winning films like Crash...God I hated Crash...but thats for another time...the film gods are angry.


  1. Single Malt CinemobsessedFri May 21, 07:18:00 PM

    Hated Crash? What..woah? Those are awfully strong words (I'd expect nothing less from you of course). Can't wait for the full story. I'll say this much for now, it will not upset me in the least to hear more about how crappy you thought it was, because get this...SMOC was not a fan of Crash.

  2. was SMOC a fan of the original Crash?...the Cronenberg Crash?

  3. Single Malt CinemobsessedSun May 23, 10:55:00 AM

    I haven't seen it, but I just watched the preview and it made me sufficiently uncomfortable. I had to ask the kitty to leave the room.

  4. Poor many kitty's do you have SMOC?
