Sunday, May 23, 2010

Playlist: Terminator Salvation

Some things should just either be left alone or have better planning. I can not decide which is correct here with this film. I will not go into detail about the series, because no one after T2 cares about the series. Even James Cameron left the door open in T2, didn't he with giving Cyberdyne the arm that gave them the idea for the even that was thought out to possibly have a 3rd terminator film...that terminator film sucked and was not thought out by Cameron, but instead butchered by Jonathan Mostow, who also made "Beverly Hills Bodysnatchers"...anyway, once you decide to make 3, then reload (ha another great way to use that term), the series by discounting what came before it, without totally relaunching it, you get Terminator Salvation. This is what I draw from it:

1. John Conner is always angry: (probably because he was played by Eddie Furlong and then Nick Stahl...who is great in the Larry Clark film Bully by the way)

2. Skynet we are led to believe will be destroyed, then we find out that the one that blew up in the end is just one of the "worldwide" headquarters of skynet

3. Where is the "SKY" in Skynet?

4. How is this place that is SO important only guarded by 3 Terminators...the big one standing guard that Marcus shuts down...the second that doesn't see a very important door open...and the Arnold Schwarzenegger look alike..that's it?..Cameron did a much better job showing us this war 26 years ago then this film does with all the money and CGI in the world.

5. Reese?...he earns a jacket in the end for what? Screaming and running?

I just don't get it...I really wanted to like this film...I just wish a total reboot like what was done with Batman was done here...there are countless examples now of a good idea in a film not thought out, and the great idea just remains a great idea and the follow through is scattered, and makes no sense..its just sad and yet we pay for it...but we get no real story telling...why cant all these studios stop screwing around..its not just McG, or Christian Bale to blame...but someone believed in Peter Jackson with the Lord of the Rings to tell a full story, and now Christopher Nolan gets to do the same with the Batman films...other examples of great ideas, that were screwed up due to poor forethought:

Star Wars Prequels
Superman (original 4 films and then the Bryan Singer tribute to his ego and Dick Donner)

Any Others?


  1. I'll admit I liked Salvation. It was definitely flawed and generally unnecessary, but it was fun for what it was. One, I enjoyed all the nods to the earlier films, especially the scene with the GnR song. Two, awesome killer robots.

  2. the song was a great touch
