Saturday, May 22, 2010

Lifetime Movies: 1983

Nominees: A Christmas Story, National Lampoon's Vacation, The Outsiders, Return of the Jedi, Scarface

A down year overall, but these nominees have shown some timeless legs.  ACS has lost some of its luster from overkill (seriously, why would anyone need to have any movie on 24 straight hours?), but it can't be denied its holiday classic status. If I had to pick only one Christmas movie (and I am willing to do that), I'd pick this faster than you can turn on that sexy leg lamp. Vacation was and is flat-out hysterical. I won't say Chevy Chase's Clark Griswald was the best comedic performance ever, but I don't think you can find one definitively better. I'll watch this every time it's on. Same with The Outsiders, though it's not on nearly as often as it should be. That all-star 80s lineup aside, it's a powerful drama. When the Karate Kid runs into that burning school--still gets me. Stay gold, boys. Jedi rode the Star Wars speeder bike to my young heart and there's no sense to claim otherwise. While not as good as its two predecessors--even ignoring your feelings about the Ewoks--it's still a fun, satisfying climax to the original trilogy. Scarface is just plain fun, from the Miami setting and the Moroder score to the one-liners and Pacino at his most Pacinoest. And without it how else would rappers decorate their cribs?

Winner: National Lampoon's Vacation

Notes: Where's Scorsese's The King of Comedy? Well, here, and I'm sure in Vin's post. And I'm sure he'll have a timely take on the subject matter...Yes, Tom Cruise was in The Outsiders, but he blew up in Risky Business. How cool was that kid?...I watched WarGames recently and was amazed by not only how well an early 80s tech-heavy film held up, but how good a script it had...Trading Places is probably my favorite Eddie Murphy movie (more on this in the coming years). And how about that Jamie Lee Curtis?...I think I speak for a lot of people in asking, where have you gone Michael Keaton? Mr. Mom was him in top form, though not my favorite of his roles. Teaser...

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