Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Was Don Draper Mumbling More Than Usual This Week?

Did anyone else notice who directed this week's episode ("Hands and Knees") of Mad Men? Right, probably not. So it's a good thing God invented SMC.

The answer, as you will know in mere milliseconds, is Humpday director Lynn Shelton. I'd like to get all pompous with a discourse about how her indie aesthetic captured the transitional malaise of the the mid-60s landscape, but I didn't notice any difference. It's TV and all the episodes are supposed to look the same, like one long movie. Not being an industry insider, I can only guess that she would have been back filming Mark Duplass's ass pretty quickly if she whipped out the hand-held.  Still a good opportunity and welcome exposure.

While we're here, I think Mad Men is edging closer and closer to overtaking The Wire for best show ever status. It's not really fair to consider an active show since so much depends on the series wrap-up, but it's worth keeping an eye on.


  1. it was incredible this week...I agree...but Madmen is a tale of yesteryear and where we are now as a culture...the Wire has always been...about the right here and now for me...Hamsterdam Forever
