Monday, September 13, 2010

Autumn TV Preview: Thursdays

Well, we're over the hump and picking up speed. That's gravity, folks. So powerful a force it even holds sway over figures of speech. Thursday has been the money night for a long time now and this season is more of the same. Must see? That's a bit extreme. Consider it a strong suggestion which you better heed. Or else.

What I'll Watch

30 Rock (NBC): The funniest network show, surpassing "The Office" two seasons ago. Tina Fey may be a bit overexposed right now, but she continues to back up the hype. Let's enjoy it while it lasts. And let's enjoy Tracy Morgan while we can. I think he's a naturally funny guy and his performance here is one of the most consistently entertaining things in any medium. But he's also a funny guy in the other sense of the word in that he needs a very clearly defined role, like he has here, to fully harness his humor. It's quickly obvious when he's just thrown into a role and expected to be "funny." Let's also remember to enjoy it an hour earlier at 8:30 because NBC has gone with the innovative strategy of screwing with a good thing.

The Office (NBC): Still on and still holding onto to the long outlived premise of a documentary in progress. That's fine, but without that natural end point the narrative lost its immediacy and devolved into a series of directionless gags. Granted, there are still a lot of inspired comedic moments, but the show has reached the point all shows reach where its continued existence is its sole reason for existence. I am excited about the return of Amy Ryan and I expect Steve Carell to up his game for his last season. Maybe someday the rest of the show will do the same.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (FX): The official sitcom of SMC. If you haven't seen it yet despite our proselytizing, don't fear! You can pick up this show without missing a beat. Bonus: you then will have 5 seasons to catch up on. Discussion Question: Is Kaitlin Olson the best comedic actress on TV? 

The League (FX): I missed the first season last year, but Vinny Guns has said, like Sunny, don't worry about it. Of course, the SMC draw here is that it stars Mark Duplass. We like him.

What I'll DVR the First Episode Of and Maybe Watch Eventually

Outsourced (NBC): "The Office" India. All I know for now is that it's on after "The Office," so I'll give it a shot. I am interested to see what the viewer response will be to an Indian-heavy cast.

What I'll DVR For Some Reason and Probably Get Around to Watching Because It's Only a Half Hour

Community (NBC): I liked Joel McHale on "The Soup", so I had reasonable expectations when this debuted last autumn. It was reasonable to expect to laugh once an episode, right? Well, it took them some time to figure things out (like adding jokes to the script), but it got betterish as the season went on, including one of the better episodes of any show last year. I'm still not excited, but I think it's already programmed to record. Score another one for laziness.

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