Friday, July 2, 2010

Lifetime Movies: 1991

No debate right? 1991 belonged to The Silence of the Lambs...I mean, my recollection was that this film was released in real early 1991. I got to see it in the theater, same theater I saw Terminator 2 in with your very own Frank...This film blew me away, and still does, I own the Criterion Collection which I recommend, it has great commentary by the real life director of Behavioral Science at the FBI (now retired John Douglas). Frank was right...what happened to Demme? I really like Something Wild, and I kinda liked Philadelphia...that's maybe it was the screenwriter (Ted Tally he's done nothing), maybe the source material...maybe the acting...sure the acting is outstanding...overall how did this make such a great movie? Thomas Harris the writer has really made just a few books, mostly getting rich over crappy Hannibal Lecter sequels. But I do declare that I still love the BOOK "Hannibal" and see the ending in the book as great, and a cliffhanger...Random House rushed the book out and he gave us a cliffhanger that I believe in my gut will eventually have a sequel to wrap up the Clarice Starling story.

So now what?'s the best for what reason?...There are other great films...but this one has stuck with me, it scares the life out of me, Hannibal on the loose is not as much fun as Hannibal in the's an iconic role and a great film.
T2: Amazing...I remember being disappointed that Arnold would be a "good guy", but it works...the CGI is great,,, but look back at the tin foil looking bullet holes hanging by a thread on the T-1000...doesn't look so good
Barton Fink: Movie about writing...John Goodman is great, the Coens are genius...great companion piece to Se7en...heck I just gave away the ending
JFK: "Back and to the left"...O is that in the film or the political stance of Director Oliver Stone? Great film

See you suckas again when I graduate in the year 1992


  1. Plus, JFK inspired one of the best Seinfeld episodes. As for his "political stance" (you didn't think I'd let that slide?), basic physics is not a political stance. Everyone knows there was a second gunman...paid for by Nixon and Sinatra.

  2. I actually hated that Seinfeld episode...anything with Keith Hernandez...and then trying to act like a "Seinfeld" guess is that that episode was not written by Larry David
