Saturday, July 24, 2010

Lifetime Movies: 1995

It was the year of Batman Forever and the year this genius guy got married...WELCOME TO 1995

As far as lists of films go, for me when I look at these last 36 years, the quality of films just shoots up dramatically in 1995. From here on it's an all out war for best films of the year, for action, great actors, amazing new directors making original and interesting films...this truly is the golden age...too bad 2010 had to come and be a pretty bad year for film...ah but the year is still young.


Toy Story, SE7EN, The Usual Suspects, Casino, Heat, Mallrats, 12 Monkeys

Yes it's a long list...I feel they all deserve it, but one rises to the top.

Micheal Mann's EPIC crime saga HEAT, is my best film of 1995. The story is solid throughout...the watchability is phenomenal, the acting is the glory of film with these two titans of film for the first time going mono-a-mono (do not see Righteous Kill...see this about 1000 times first). Micheal Mann is the best at action, intensity, and music...the use of music to add the coolest vibe for a film. I love his later films and the use of the video quality of Collateral, Miami Vice and even Public Enemies. When Chris Nolan was writing The Dark Knight he kept watching Heat for his inspiration...and it obviously has an impact. Pacino's over the top performance and DeNiro's understated cool calm are perfect...that with the street LA shoot out and Ashley Judd just make me want to go watch it over and over again.


Toy Story: Pixar classic, watch it with or without kids around...after a while though you realize that TS2 is better.

SE7EN: Brought David Fincher to the scene...I really didn't know who the killer was..I mean I remember the early buzz on the young Internet was that it was a name star...I knew of Kevin Spacey from the TV show "Wiseguy"...and other things...little did I know he would be the key to the surprise ending of 2 films this year. Seven is brilliant, it is a great serial killer story...Brad Pitt rules and is funny as hell and to think they wanted a different ending...FUCK THAT says David Fincher and One hit Wonder Andrew Kevin Walker...the writer that has done nothing since.

The Usual Suspects: Fuck the haters (yeah, you Slashfilm) just can't re-watch a classic I guess...this film builds constantly...and maybe you just don't like great acting...the writing by McQuarrie is great and free...he says so in interviews that he didn't know the rules of writing and maybe he is a worse writer now then he was back then because he follows the rules...well Keyser Soze should get his own movie.

Casino: We all remember this greatly in our memory..I say it is not as good as we think. Wall to wall is everywhere..I think the Deniro-Pesci thing is great...but the side characters are not...except Sharon Stone who is wonderful.

Mallrats: all these actors that are in this are doing nothing now...they could have been great but all except that Affleck guy are done for...the film I think is great for that time...but that time is past...I remember asking for small cups in malls and doing the Jedi mind trick and saying snoochy that was a long time ago.

12 Monkeys: probably the second best Gilliam film ever...Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt took a risk here with Gilliam...I really thought this guy was golden after this...and then came his other disasters...but this film is one of the best time travel films going...Brad Pitt again is perfect and funny, and Bruce Willis just goes with the flow and is serious throughout.

Man...a lot to's just a bunch of great films...most of these I return to a lot and think.."Wow that was 15 years ago"? These are big name directors also who were in the prime of their career.


  1. No problem at all with picking Heat. Not sure which way I'll go yet.

    What the hell did they say about Usual Suspsects? Screw them.

  2. They said once you knew who Kaiser Spze was it was a pointless effort to re the way, I say you pick...Usual Suspects...just a hunch

  3. Good hunch. And screw them again.

    How did Kilmer get his name on that poster?
