Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Playlist: Trouble Everyday

The French:...Claire Denis: French Director...I think Frank was interested in seeing "35 Sots of Rum"...I saw this film Trouble Everyday because Vincent Gallo stars in it...I mean come on I have an obsession too you know.

Plot:...Woman hunts men, turns them on (sexually), then eats of them and she is a crazy psycho...her husband is a doctor that wants to cure her because he loves her...enter Vincent Gallo as a doctor who knows these people and kinda has the hots for the crazy wife...but the catch is he is on his honeymoon with a gorgeous wife played by Tricia Vessey

So Gallo could spend his honeymoon banging this sweetie..but instead we do get to a see a "money shot" of him in a mirror...you don't see him actually ejaculate but as close to it as possible. Any way the film is long and sometimes boring...alot of blood and gore but not too much...you get more sex and blood and vampireish feeling from Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula...this film is straight up odd and has something to do with plants, and blood, and cannibalism, and sex...anyway I do like Gallo's performance..any time he is either crazy out of control...or quite (especially when he is pleading with a girl...he says the word "please" better then any other actor alive)...he is money in the bank.

Also check out "Arizona Dream"...on you tube for a real weird trip...Johnny Depps hidden film that also costars Vinnie Gallo...weird is not the word...the word is?..."whatcouldhavebeenvinnygallo"


  1. Glad Gallo has his own SMOC. I feel like I need a bath every time you post something about him.

    Never saw Arizona Dream, though you will notice that a lot of the cast was in Tom Petty's "Into the Great Wide Open" video.

  2. I am the Gallo SMOC...the sceen that jizz's all over the place is "CLASSIC GALLO"...the best is that his wife late on is sitting in the bathroom, looks at the Jizz and then smears it and looks longingly like she wishes it was inside her and not on the bathroom tub...I cant wait to go through all the Gallo films...they are rare

  3. Single Malt CinemobsessedTue Jul 13, 10:30:00 PM

    Ok, when you give your stalker the creeps that is saying something. I'd just like to be clear, that I have no interest in seeing any "money shots" of the SMC family and please keep all the jizzing to a minimum. Seriously, Vin, that post and comment made me scrunch up my nose and feel all icky. If you need to talk to someone, I can see if they have a chapter of my support group that meets in your area, don't worry, I don't need the address, I keep you bookmarked in my street view of google maps...

  4. I'm with SMOC on this one, pal. When you start dressing like Chloe Sevigny, I'm going for help.
