Sunday, July 25, 2010

Playlist: Exam

"Do you have any questions?", "What's the question?", "What's the answer?", I have more questions?", "Does this film have an ending?", Will we be in this room the whole time?"

Films like this are great, they either are throwaway films, (see CUBE 2)...or great films..(see CUBE)

Movies this is like...Usual Suspects, Saw, Cube obviously, Primer (kinda without time machine stuff), puzzle solving films are fun if done right...maybe even memorable...but if done wrong...they just are terrible...this one is done right but is closer to Cube then say the greatness of Usual Suspects or MOON which uses a small space and limited actors to tell a puzzling story. It's terse, small, a good Saturday Night Thriller.

Stuart Hazeldine is a new British director that's been around. He is king of British Spec scripts...things like Blade Runner 2. Also he wrote Knowing and is pals with Dark City's Alex Proyas...which I love that film but Proyas' next few films were just ok.

EXAM is like that thing the substitute teacher did in your class when you were in middle school. Write a bunch of questions on the board and then make you feel stupid later for answering all the questions when the answer was at the start...believe me I looked for the answer and felt stupid I didn't get it the first time...but this film goes through all the rules and reminds you how the logic's simple and easy.

The acting is varies from REAL good to student film level..

The best acting is by Luke Mably...playing the role of "White"...he stereotypes everyone and calls them by how they "Black", "Blonde"...kinda like a racist Reservoir Dogs...

My new favorite word is "INVIGILATOR"...which sounds awesome...but in British just means Exam Proctor...I always had an idea for a film called "PROCTOR"...and it wasn't as good as this film...maybe more like "One Hour Photo"...anyway that word is awesome and I will use it at least once a day now.
The film is now $5.99 on pay per's worth a rent.


  1. When do we hear about "Proctor"?

  2. Well the "Proctor" was about a professional proctor...for years I proctored the sat and act..I felt I did a very good job...lets just say it was about a well known and well respected professional proctor that got in over his head in stalking and trying to cheat a test himself
