Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lifetime Movies: 1990

Winner: Goodfellas

This needs no explanation and I know Vin will have more to say in his post. What separates this from so many of the other elite films of all time is that it's just so much damn fun. Dances with Wolves? Really?

Films of Note:

The Adventures of Ford Fairlaine: The most disappointing movie ever. Phantom Menace? Ok, maybe, but...this was Andrew Dice Clay. The Diceman. Teenage Me was expecting Caligula in a leather jacket (not that I knew what Caligula was at the time). What I got was, my god, I still don't know what I got. No nudity, for one. No nudity! How was that possible. And am I remembering a koala?

Edward Scissorhands: When people talk about what a visionary Tim Burton is they're thinking about this magical modern fairy tale. This twenty year old magical not-so-modern-anymore fairy tale. Is it that he won't or that he can't make original stories like this anymore? Long sigh.

The Grifters: An absolutely underrated noir gem (produced by Martin Scorsese). Annette Bening gives one of my favorite performances ever.

Miller's Crossing: I remember hearing about this Coen Brothers film a few years later when I got to college. Particularly how it was a precursor to the Tarantino-led indie cool scene. I know I felt hipper once I saw it.

Side Out: Still the best beach volleyball movie in the history of cinema.

Tremors: One of the best "B" monster movies ever. One of those movies that just exceeds all expectations despite there being no reason that it should. Plus, my favorite sitcom dad, Michael Gross from "Family Ties", as a right-wing gun nut.

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