Tuesday, June 22, 2010

SMC Extras

Why do they have commercials extolling the life-altering benefits of Blu-ray on regular DVDs?

"If you had Blu-ray the scenes you are now watching would be freakin awesomer. We have no way of supporting this claim, but trust us. We're advertisers."

That's like an old hag trying to set you up with her "beautiful" granddaughter. Hold on. No, it's like McDonald's showing pictures of real food while you wait in line to buy a Filet-O-Fish. Or it's like organized religion. It's like something, goddamit.

This post makes more sense in Blu-ray. Trust me.

1 comment:

  1. I guess they want you to buy a freaking blu ray...but even on blu ray discs they do this...it pisses me off that on some blu rays it goes right to the movie...and other you have to wade through 3 previes...and fbi warnning...some swedish shit about copying that is as old as vcr tapes and then the blu ray commercial
