Wednesday, April 14, 2010

BlogPost Video 1

Check this cool Stuff Out


  1. I was waiting for Greenman to run up and kick you in the nuts.

  2. ha...i just watched the grrenman episode for season 4

  3. Single Malt CinemobsessedThu Apr 15, 08:36:00 PM

    Wow...BOOM! is sooooo much more intense on video! The fans demand more video blogging!!!!!

  4. who is this obsessed fan? sounds like a weirdo

  5. Single Malt CinemobsessedFri Apr 16, 07:32:00 PM

    Clutch 9 just became my number 2 favorite host of SMC...don't alienate the fans dude! It makes it less rewarding when I'm following you in the shadows if you don't appreciate my allegiance to the movement. /'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

    that last bit was posted by my cat. He's a fan too =^..^=

  6. I agree. And I'm happy to see our cross-species appeal wasn't just a pipe dream.

    Let's hear from any of you dogs and turtles out there.

  7. cat? who do I know with a cat?...I love you whop ever you are...I am you say?..paranoid

  8. Single Malt CinemobsessedSat Apr 17, 06:33:00 PM

    Thanks Clutch 9, I might have to do some rearranging, but there may still be room in my freezer for 2 heads...BOOM! Seriously, what does a person have to do to get a t-shirt?! I made my own using a washable marker, basically it's a line drawing of your head with BOOM scribbled on it, but it doesn't feel as official. Plus one of the guys in my support group pissed on it when I refused to be his power bottom and now your hair is running down your face and it looks like it says ECON in really sloppy writing and people keep asking me if it's some sort of political statement about our current economic crisis...but I digress. When the shirts and memorabilia are available will I get some sort of discount as president of the SMC fan club?

  9. so is single malt obsessed just frank?...are they telling the truth and they have a cat?...who uses the word ECON? this charlie day?...aaaahhhhh I am ossified
