Friday, April 16, 2010

Lifetime Movies: 1977

Nominees: Star Wars

Really, what's the point? This is what we call a "no-brainer" in our biz (sorry for getting all technical on you). And there isn't much need for me to explain why--there have been far too many fanboy hosannas already (in fact, I think that's the other reason the Internet was invented in the first place). I'll just say that this really was the defining movie of my childhood and in many ways, the defining story as well. The funny thing is I never really knew that at the time. It wasn't until much later--probably around the time the original trilogy was re-released in the 90s--that I realized just how big this film really was. And, yet, I still liked it because if there's anything that will make you hate Star Wars, it's Star Wars fans. Oh, and George Lucas.

Winner: Star Wars

Notes: A huge year for music and movies...Annie Hall was the critical darling and Oscar winner. A genuinely funny film which I'm sure Vin will talk about more...our beloved Steven Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind, one of the best science fiction films ever unfortunately overshadowed by Star Wars, which isn't even a real science fiction movie. Oh, the interstellar irony...Slap Shot is one of the best sports movies ever. And it's about hockey which I believe is a sport in Canada...And then there's Kentucky Fried Movie. A true cult movie, though it deserves far more credit as a comedy hallmark. Plus, I think watching it is a requirement in most undergraduate programs...Probably should mention Saturday Night Fever. Done...And finally, there's a lesser-known Disney movie called Pete's Dragon that I remember less for the actual film than for it serving as an early bonding moment for me and my mom. Sniff, sniff. Who knew blogging could be so cathartic? Or maybe it's the scotch.

Oh, how could I forget this guy?

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