Monday, April 19, 2010

Playlist: Humpday

If you've been an SMC fan from the jump, you probably know that our very own Vin has been waiting patiently aboard the Duplass Brothers bandwagon. I'm not going to say he discovered them--he might, but I'm not going to because, one, it's not true, and two, his head doesn't need to get any bigger after his stunning win at the company potato sack race...really, who has their own custom-made potato sack?--I have no idea what I was saying.

Anyway, I loved Humpday. While not made by the Duplasses, it stars Mark and looks like it was filmed on the same roll as The Puffy Chair. Quick recap that doesn't do it justice: married guy gets a visit from his old free spirit college roommate and one thing leads to another and he agrees to do an "art porn" project where the two of them have sex. The key to it working is that it is handled without the zany theatrics that a major studio would have dictated for, let's say, an Aston Kutcher-Dane Cook version (god, that was even painful to write). It's real and uncomfortable and really uncomfortable.

The three main actors carry the film and give it heart and a center: Alycia Delmore as the wife trying to come to terms with the ridiculousness of it all, Joshua Leonard--finally out of the Blair Witch woods--as the friend, and the aforementioned Mark Duplass as the average guy who is missing "something" from his seemingly all-together life. Or at least thinks he is. Duplass is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors for his lo-fi charm that makes you feel like he is living in his character.

And then there's the final scene. Have you seen it? What did you think?

SMC BONUS: During the bonding scene between Delmore and Leonard, they knock back a bottle of Bowmore Single Malt. Which was probably the film's craft services budget right there.


  1. Single Malt CinemobsessedTue Apr 20, 07:38:00 PM

    Well, I never anticipated a day when I would be outraged and offended by the moral compass that is SMC. I'm aghast that you would try to force your engorged homoerotic agenda down my unwelcome throat as I reflexively gag. Just days ago, I was promoting SMC with great fervency to fellow church goers during lulls in our protest. I can only hope that the rest of Westboro will not judge the summation based on this disgusting sinful piece. I myself have already asked for forgiveness and insisted upon being re-baptized as greater precaution for reading this filthy Jon Bon Joviesque promotion of homosexual cinema. I'll pray for you.
