Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lifetime Movies: 1976

Nominees: The Bad News Bears, Rocky, Taxi Driver

As Vin has pointed out, we obviously didn't see these movies when they were released, but they have become viewing staples over the years, cinematic comfort food. The Bad News Bears is one of the best baseball movies ever, one of the best about kids, about competition. It's a filthy family movie completely of its time, yet timeless. But above all that, it is just so much fun to watch. Rocky is the great American underdog tale and, while not all that original, it did give us a genuine flesh and blood hero. And he doesn't even win in the first film! And it won the Oscar! Adrian! ...sorry, got carried away. That music always gets me. And then there's Taxi Driver. So much has been said about this film and its influence over the years that I can't add anything new to the discussion here. I can say that what is often overshadowed is what a gripping, watchable story it is. And that's what it all comes down to in the end, isn't it?That's not rhetorical, btw.

Winner: Taxi Driver

Notes: A couple of films from this year that I've always felt were a bit overrated based on great memorable scenes: Marathon Man (visit to the "dentist") and Carrie (the old pig blooderoo)...What a year for 14-year-old Jodie Foster. Not only was she in Taxi Driver, but she had a big hit with Freaky Friday and made one of the goofiest movies ever--Alan Parker's G-rated gangster film, Bugsy Malone (starring Chachi in Charge himself, the legendary Scott Baio)...I remember thinking Mel Brooks' Silent Movie was hysterical when i first saw it. Kinda scared to see it again...And I also really liked Silver Streak back in the day, another Richard Pryor-Gene Wilder buddy comedy...I was surprised to see The Smurfs and the Magic Flute released this year in Belgium--7 years before they hit it big in America. They're so cutting-edge in Europe...As for Eraserhead, if Vin says it was released in '76, who am I am linear time to argue?


  1. Eraserhead 1976...IMDB says so..it says releaesd in US 1977 which is ok with me...but then I have a problem...and that problem is Star Wars...so I say...go with the 76...it makes 1977 easier

  2. Three years in and already with the loopholes.

  3. Single Malt CinemobsessedWed Apr 14, 07:43:00 PM

    Love Love Love Bugsy Malone!

  4. Thanks for reading, random Internet stranger. I don't think I ever saw the whole thing. But maybe I will now.
