Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lifetime Movies: 1979

Shakedown 1979. The last year of arguably cinema’s greatest decade, which is an overused and weak expression because, really, what isn’t arguable? Ok, Tara Reid’s acting ability, but that’s one of those rule-proving exceptions, right?

Nominees: Alien, Apocalypse Now, Monty Python's Life of Brian, The Muppet Movie, Rocky II
Rocky II is the mammalian Jaws II--for the longest time I favored it over its superior original (that would be Rocky and Jaws, respectively). And again, why not? RII is more action-packed and he wins. Actually, it’s pretty much the same movie as the first one, just watered down. And like a good tomato sauce, this boy can tell the difference. Going the other way, Alien is the first in a long-running series and a seminal science-fiction achievement. While it’s a great film, I’m not so sure its sequel, Aliens, isn’t the better movie (I have a feeling Vin may disagree). I also have a feeling, though less parenthetically, that Vin is going to pick Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now as his winner. It’s a film that’s scatter shot with brilliance, no question, but I still don’t think it’s as great as it should have been. That’s not really fair, but I just don’t want to pick it here. I wouldn’t have a problem picking Monty Python’s Life of Brian because I still remember my first viewing and all the times I had to rewind to catch what I missed while laughing. But, I like Holy Grail better. So that just leaves the Wild Card! Yes, The Muppet Movie. Everything just worked so well in this, something Team Henson has never been able to recapture in full (and very few films have). Maybe this pick is tainted by nostalgia, but it makes me happy. So go BOOM! yourself.

Winner: The Muppet Movie

Notes: Two classic comedy performances this year, Steve Martin committing full tilt in The Jerk and Peter Sellers celebrated roles in Being There, which I have to admit I don’t remember all that well, though I have no doubt it’s as good as billed...And that’s not mentioning Bill Murray in Meatballs. Well, until now. Did I mention I love summer camp movies? (The answer is yes.)... "You're out of order! You're out of order! The whole trial is out of order! They're out of order!" Classic Pacino...And then there are the cult classics: Rock ‘n’ Roll High School, The Warriors, and Caligula (ask Vin about the first time he saw that some time).


  1. shocked shocked shocked...I think its been a long time since you have seen these other movies..I cant believe you picked the puppet movie over any of those others...I have Dom Delouise "Hot Stuff" higher then Puppet Movie

  2. What can I say, but WILD CARD!

    My favorite post by you is the one where you made fun of pretentiousness.

  3. Single Malt CinemobsessedFri Apr 23, 07:49:00 PM

    I found your pick for 1989. This movie is AWESOME.

  4. so ...would you say you want to do frank in the butt?

  5. Does Frank get a say in any of this?

  6. No you dont Frank...but Cinema Obsessed must pay the "Troll to get into this boys gotta pay the toll to get IN"

    -The Nightman Cometh

  7. Single Malt CinemobsessedSat Apr 24, 11:04:00 PM

    Of course I wouldn't say gently imply it with a beautiful melody and catchy chorus...and I bet that "boy's soul" isn't going for much these days anyways, I just checked my pocket and I can offer you a sacagawea dollar, 2 buttons, and a receipt from dunkin donuts. That should cover the toll, right? Hell, I could probably get a sunpass for frank's hole with that much.

  8. I hear that the sunpass option will go away soon...we are going in the direction of a more "express" way of getting that toll now...we are going more electronic now...but definitly easy access...easy in...easy out

  9. It warms my heart to see you two have found some common ground. Unfortunately, it is not my heart that I am worried about.

    And FYI, it is 1.75.
