Sunday, April 18, 2010

Film Oddities: Pope of Greenwich Village, 1984

I am sitting here on a Sunday admiring a drink...that drink reminds me of a film, that combination reminds me of my youth and eating certain foods, being around certain people and enjoying my childhood. Early in the film Pope of Greenwich Village we see the beautiful Mickey Rourke and Eric Roberts playing Italian-Americans hustling in the streets, dressing fancy and playing a little stick ball, eating an Italian Sandwich and drinking the drink I have in my hands, a Manhattan Special. This was a special drink of my youth, an iced espresso coffee soda. The song playing in the film is Frank Sinatra's "Summer Wind". It is a perfect combination. Mickey Rourke was a god...this film is a snapshot, not really a gangster film, but a street film, as much as Mean Streets or Requiem for a Dream is. Charlie and Paulie in a film memory.


  1. Hell yeah, 1984 motherfuckerrrrs, and what, and what, and what?????

    Love always,

  2. Thanks for cathching up with us Brattney...not sure about the dirty whore mouth of yours...but thanks for the talkback

  3. I'll be honest, with this one I just clicked the tab on the side that said 1984, and I got excited about it and just typed what I typed. I didn't read what it said first. Now that I have read it, I feel a little bad for cursing during your trip down memory lane. But, I can't promise this wont happen again.


  4. No problem...we love a "Free Spirit" here...just wanted to make sure you knew that
